TAPA EMEA (Transported Asset Protection Association)

14th - 15th June | Leonardo Hotel, Amsterdam

TAPA EMEA (Transported Asset Protection Association)

14th - 15th June | Leonardo Hotel, Amsterdam

The TAPA EMEA event by TAPA (Transported Asset Protection Association) was held at the Leonardo Hotel, Amsterdam on 14th-15th June.  We received an invitation to this event therefore we were keen to engage with as many delegates as possible. The hotel was very nice, and the event was well branded. The floor plan was easy to understand and enabled easy networking. There were 300 delegates and 20 speakers. Most of the attendees were members of TAPA. There was one main room where all the sessions happened, this meant there were no clashes. There were two networking rooms, one of which was the exhibition room, with about 12 exhibitors.  The event engaged all industries, mostly from pharmaceutical and consumer goods.  The content was focused on secure logistics, companies mostly presented how they are making their logistics more secure and preparing for association and government policies. Everyone was easy to engage and wanted to learn about new technologies and strategies to secure their logistics operations.  Here are some key learnings I took from the event: 
  • “It is important to generate the logic of any decisions made with sensor signals” 
  • “In the next 5 years we expect to see better ways to derive insights from the masses of data. Humans cannot do this fast enough, this will be driven more and more by machine learning.” 
  • “Risk intelligence is becoming integral for secure logistics” 
  • “It is forecasted that 2 million truck drivers to retire by 2026.” 
In conclusion, this is a well-run event with an engaged audience looking to network with each other. With an added bonus of a great drinks and food reception at the end of both days. I would recommend this event too both service providers and companies interested in secure logistics.



Scott Mears

Senior Marketing Manager - Roambee

Scott Mears

Senior Marketing Manager - Roambee

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