
28th - 29th September | Westin Copley Place, Boston


28th - 29th September | Westin Copley Place, Boston

LogiPharma USA was held at Westin Copley Place in Boston on 28th-29th September. The event used 4 rooms, 1 main room for the keynote speaking sessions, 2 smaller rooms for breakout sessions, and finally the middle room connecting the event together was the exhibition room. 


The content was well laid out, with a balance of panels and sponsored talks. We were able to see how some of the leading pharma companies are combating common industry challenges. 


A key learning that I took away from this event was that as much as the pharma industry is advancing its supply chain with new technology in some areas, in others the opposite is true. The pharma industry offers a lot of opportunities for solution providers; however, the majority are still not yet willing to move from old technology. 


The organizers of this event are WBR, I have attended a few of their events, and I have noticed they always bring together a very targeted supply chain audience, full of decision makers in major companies (Heads of Supply Chain & Logistics). 


There was a drinks reception at the end of Day 1. I always appreciate it when an event puts on a reception, because it offers another opportunity to build rapport with prospects and discuss their problem statement at a deeper level. 


Something I was surprised by was the size of the event. It was much smaller than LogiPharma Europe, which drew over 1000 attendees, yet LogiPharma USA only drove 200 attendees. However, that said, there were many pharma majors in attendance. 


A downside I want to mention: the event was very vendor heavy, making it highly competitive. This meant the pharma majors were being pitched too regularly in a small amount of time, and I heard quite a few pharma majors saying they wish there was more of a presence from the pharma industry. Also, it is important for me to mention the cost to attend this event and WBR events in general are at a premium. 


Another point to consider when you are choosing the right event for you. Everyone goes to the event with an agenda, and sometimes that agenda is to go to the event, do their part, and leave. I found many pharma majors did their speaking slot and then left immediately after, making it again even harder to engage with them. 


In conclusion, this is one of the very few events out there that drives a very targeted decision maker audience. However, the ratio of vendors to pharma majors and other factors explained, means you need to really think about how you are going to stand out before choosing to attend this event.



Scott Mears

Senior Marketing Manager - Roambee

Scott Mears

Senior Marketing Manager - Roambee

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