F&L Luxembourg Meet (European Freight Leaders' Forum)
12th-13th May | Neumünster Abbey, Luxembourg

The F&L Luxembourg Meet (European Freight Leaders’ Forum) meet-up was held on 12th-13th May at the Neumünster Abbey, in Luxembourg. Neumünster Abbey is a former Benedictine abbey located in the Grund district of Luxembourg City in southern Luxembourg, a stunning venue with high walls all around you. Over 150 people attended this event, and a very diverse audience; shippers, solution providers, 3pls in all industries. The event had 2 full days of presentations and discussions with an amazing evening event at the Mudam museum on the first day and a trip to the port on the second day.
F&L events are always packed full of content that engages the crowd into discussion, and joint post event activities which everyone gets involved with. This well-structured agenda gives the current and new members enough space and time to collaborate and network to a meaningful level where ideas can be discussed, and relationships can be built.
The content of the event was a balance between presentations and open discussions on sustainability, supply chain visibility, ports, challenges and solutions. There were some fantastic panel discussions with companies such as Nike, Unilever, P&G, Scania as well as many more.
As we attend the F&L events more regularly, there is the question will you exhaust your business contacts. We see this differently; we are looking to build long-lasting relationships and learn from the industry how we can better our solution.